Why Does My Hair Stick Up?

We’ve all been there. You wake up in the morning, and your hair sticking up on top of head. It’s not a pretty sight. But what’s behind this phenomenon?

It can be a bit of a mystery, especially when you try to style it and it just doesn’t want to stay down.

So why does my hair stick up? And more importantly, what can you do to make it stop?

Well, there are actually several reasons why your hair might stick up, and some are more common than others.

In this article, we will look at the most likely reasons your hair is sticking straight up.

Why does my hair stand up?

The answer has to do with the way hair is structured. Each individual strand of hair is made up of three parts: the cuticle, the cortex, and the medulla.

The cuticle is the outermost layer and it’s made up of overlapping scales. The cortex is the middle layer and it’s where the hair’s color comes from.

And finally, the medulla is the innermost layer and it’s made up of loosely packed cells. Often hair is affected by improper care. This causes the scales on the cuticle to separate and the cortex to become exposed.

And once the cortex is exposed, it’s susceptible to damage. But there are also a number of reasons why your hair might be sticking up. Now we will look at some of them in more detail.

The grain of your hair

Some people may experience their hair sticking up because of the grain of their hair. This can happen with any hair type but is more common with coarser, thicker hair.

There are a few different ways to deal with this issue. One way is to simply wet your hands and smooth down your hair.

This will help to lay down the cuticle and prevent your hair from sticking up.

You can also use a leave-in conditioner or serum to help control the problem. Another option is to get a haircut with layers.

This will help to thin out your hair and make it lie flat against your head.

hair sticking straight up


If you’re noticing that your hair is sticking up at odd angles, it may be due to breakage.

When hair is damaged, it becomes weak and is more likely to break off, which can lead to flyaways and other unsightly problems.

If you’re concerned about your hair’s health, be sure to seek out some professional help. In the meantime, try to avoid using heat styling tools and harsh chemicals, as these can further damage your hair and make breakage more likely.

Instead, focus on using gentle products and on giving your hair some extra TLC. With a little care and patience, you should be able to get your locks back to looking their best.

hair sticking straight up from humidity


Hair sticks up because of the increased humidity in the air.

When the air is more humid, the hair follicles absorb more moisture from the air. This causes the hair shafts to swell and makes them more likely to stick up.

The best way to combat this is to use a humidity-resistant hair product, such as a gel or serum. You can also try using a diffuser on your blow dryer to help distribute the moisture in the air more evenly.

Finally, if you know you’ll be in a humid environment, try braiding your hair or wearing it in a bun to keep it from sticking up.

Static electricity

Static electricity is one of the most common causes of hair sticking up. It happens when your hair comes into contact with something that has a different charge than your hair.

This can happen when you comb your hair, or when you rub your hair on a fabric. When the charges come into contact, they cause your hair to stand up.

Another cause of hair sticking up is static cling. This happens when your hair comes into contact with a fabric that has a charge on it.

The charge on the fabric attracts the charge on your hair, causing your hair to stick to the fabric.

Static cling can be a problem in cold weather, when clothes are more likely to be charged. If your hair is sticking up because of static electricity, there are a few things you can do to fix it.

You can use a dryer sheet to help reduce the amount of static in your hair. You can also try spraying your hair with a mixture of water and vinegar. This will help to neutralize the charges in your hair.

If you are having a lot of trouble with static electricity, you may want to invest in a humidifier. This will help to add moisture to the air, which will reduce the amount of static electricity in your hair.

hair sticking straight up from static electricity

Hair type

If you have curly hair, it is likely that your hair will stick up when it is styled in its natural state. The reason for this is because the curls will be fighting against the natural gravity of the hair.

This can be a frustrating experience, as it can be difficult to keep your hair looking neat and tidy. However, there are a few things that you can do to help keep your hair from sticking up.

One of the best ways to keep curly hair from sticking up is to use a product that will help to hold the hair in place.

There are a variety of different products on the market that can help with this problem.

hair sticking straight up

You may want to try using a gel or mousse to help keep your hair in place. Be sure to follow the directions on the product so that you do not end up with sticky hair.

Another way to keep curly hair from sticking up is to use a diffuser when you are drying your hair. A diffuser will help to distribute the heat evenly throughout your hair.

This will help to keep your hair from sticking up in the front or back. You may also want to try using a diffuser when you are styling your hair so that you can avoid having to use a lot of products.

How to stop hair from sticking up

Moisturize your hair with conditioners and oil

To stop hair from sticking up, moisturize your hair with conditioners and oil. This will help to keep your hair hydrated, which will help to keep it from sticking up.

You can also use a wide-toothed comb to help to detangle your hair and keep it from sticking up. To stop hair from sticking up, you can try one of the following methods:

Use a conditioner: Apply conditioner to your hair, focusing on the ends. Leave it in for a few minutes, then rinse it out. Conditioning your hair will help to add moisture and make it more manageable.

Moisturize your hair with oil: Apply a light oil, such as jojoba or coconut oil, to your hair. Focus on the ends and work the oil through your hair. This will help to add moisture and prevent your hair from sticking up.

Use a leave-in conditioner: Apply a leave-in conditioner to your hair, focusing on the ends. This will help to add moisture and make your hair more manageable.

Use a styling product: Apply a styling product, such as mousse or gel, to your hair. This will help to hold down your hair and prevent it from sticking up.

how to stop hair from sticking up

Change your hairstyle

If you want to stop your hair from sticking up, you can change your hairstyle. Try a different hairstyle that suits your face and hair type. For example, if you have straight hair, you can try a sleek ponytail or bun.

If you have curly hair, you can try an updo or braid. You can also use products to tame your hair and keep it from sticking up. Try using a gel or pomade to control your hair.

Apply it to damp or dry hair and style as usual. You can also try using hairspray to keep your hair in place. Spritz your hair with hairspray and then style as usual.

Use satin pillows

Satin pillows help to reduce frizz and keep hair from sticking up. To use a satin pillowcase, simply place it over your pillow and sleep on it. The satin will help to reduce friction and keep your hair looking sleek and smooth.

You can find satin pillowcases at most department stores or online. If you don’t have a satin pillowcase, you can also use a silk scarf or headscarf. Simply tie the scarf around your head before going to bed.

This will help to keep your hair in place and reduce frizz. You can find silk scarves at most department stores or online. A

nother way to reduce frizz and keep hair from sticking up is to use a leave-in conditioner.

Apply a small amount of conditioner to your hair before bed. This will help to keep your hair hydrated and prevent frizz. You can find leave-in conditioners at most drugstores or online.

Finally, you can try using an anti-frizz serum. Apply a small amount of serum to your hair before bed.

This will help to control frizz and keep your hair looking sleek and smooth. You can find anti-frizz serums at most drugstores or online.

hair stands up when cut short

Try a protein treatment

If your hair is sticking up, it might be because it’s thirsty. Try a protein treatment to give your hair the moisture it needs to lie flat.

Mix together one egg, one tablespoon of olive oil, and one tablespoon of honey.

Apply the mixture to your hair, cover with a shower cap, and let sit for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and style as usual. If your hair is still sticking up, you might need to deep condition it.

Apply a deep conditioner to your hair, cover with a shower cap, and let sit for 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and style as usual. If your hair is still sticking up, you might need to get a trim.

Ask your stylist to take off any damaged or split ends that might be causing your hair to stick up.


Why does my hair stick up in the back?

Using a comb in the opposite direction of your natural hair growth can cause your hair to stick up and fight being combed down. To make matters worse, on different parts of your scalp, your hair may grow in various directions. This lack of cohesion can make certain hairstyles difficult to pull off.

How to stop hair sticking up at the sides?

If you let your side hair grow out, it may be able to support itself and finally hang down and flat.

If you don’t want to deal with growing your hair out or trying to fight with your unruly sides, boar bristle hair brushes are excellent for guiding the hair in the direction you want it to go. Use it on a daily basis, and you’ll certainly notice that your side hair grows straighter and flatter.

Why does my hair stands up when cut short?

There are a variety of different reasons why your hair might break off in small sections. They could be due to the fact that partway down the strand, it broke off or because new strands haven’t yet caught up with the overall length of your hair.

Because they are shorter hair strands, they don’t get weighed down like the rest of your hair.


The content discusses different reasons why hair may stick up and offers solutions for each. The first reason is humidity, which can be countered by using humidity-resistant hair products or a diffuser.

The second reason is static electricity, which can be reduced by using a dryer sheet, spraying the hair with water and vinegar, or investing in a humidifier. The last reason is hair type, specifically curly hair.

Curly hair is more likely to stick up due to the way it grows naturally.

To combat this, one can use products to hold the hair in place or use a diffuser when drying or styling. We hope this article helps you deal with your unruly hair!

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Allyson Carter

Ally is a professional hairstylist with more than 6 years of experience, but hair has been her passion since early childhood. Here, at Hair Spies, she blogs about all things hairdressing, hair tools, and everyday hair care. Read more about Allyson here.

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