How to Unclog Hair From Shower Drain

It’s the middle of winter and you’re taking a shower after a long day at work. You notice that the water isn’t draining as quickly as it usually does.

In fact, it seems to be backing up and starting to pool around your feet. You know what that means- your shower is clogged with hair!

We all know the frustration of having a clogged shower drain. Hair is the number one culprit, but how can you get it out without making a huge mess?

Here are some tips to help remove hair from the shower drain quickly and easily.

Why do clogs happen in the first place?

Clogs are often caused by a buildup of dirt and debris, such as hair, soap scum, and other materials like dental floss. Other causes include tree roots that have grown into the pipe, objects that have been flushed down the drain, or even an accumulation of grease.

In some cases, clogs can be caused by corrosion in older pipes or poorly installed joints. The age of your plumbing system may also contribute to clogged pipes.

Unfortunately, many homeowners aren’t aware of these risks until it’s too late.

When a clog occurs in your drain, it can cause water to back up and overflow from sink drains, toilets and showers – creating an unsightly mess and probably costly repairs! But how to unclog hair from the shower drain? Let’s break through!

How to unclog shower drain from hair?

There are a few different methods of unclogging hair from the shower drain:

Use Your Hand

One possible method for removing a hair-clogged shower drain is to use your hand. This approach requires you to be able to access the drain from behind and requires basic safety precautions.

Before beginning, make sure that you are wearing gloves and safety glasses.

Reach behind the shower drain cover and feel around for any objects or clumps of hair that may be blocking the pipe. Carefully try to remove any large chunks or wads of hair that you find.

If necessary, use a tool such as a pair of kitchen tongs to grasp any stubborn clogs. You can also use a long-handled brush with stiff bristles to scrub away at debris stuck on the sides and inside of the pipe.

Move your brush in circular motions so that all sides of the pipe are thoroughly cleaned out, but be careful not to cause any damage while doing this.

You should also inspect the trap below the shower drain for excess buildup and clear it out if needed.

Use Boiling Water

Boiling water is a great method for unclogging hair in the shower drain due to its hot temperature. Boiling water helps to dissolve the clog-causing hair and other organic material, as well as kill any bacteria that may be present in the pipes.

To use boiling water for unclogging, bring a pot of water to a boil on the stove. Once it has reached a full rolling boil, carefully pour it slowly into the clogged drain.

The heat from the boiling water will help to break down any debris that’s blocking the drain and allow it to flow freely down the pipes. Be sure to pour slowly and continuously, so that all of the boiling water gets pushed down into the pipe.

Use a Plunger

clearing hair clogged drain

A plunger is the most common way to unclog a shower drain clogged with hair. Apply some water around the base of the plunger, then place it over the opening of the drain and pump up and down several times until you feel resistance. This should help push any clogging material out of the way.

Use Baking Soda & Vinegar

How to clear hair from the shower drain with natural ingredients? Baking soda and vinegar are both excellent natural ingredients for unclogging a shower drain from hair. Mix one cup of baking soda with one cup of white vinegar, and pour the mixture directly into your clogged drain.

The baking soda and vinegar will begin to fizz; this reaction will help to break down any debris blocking the pipes. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes before flushing with hot water.

Use a Drain Snake

If the plunging doesn’t work, you may need to use a drain snake or auger. To do this, insert one end of the snake into the drain opening, push it in until you feel resistance, then crank clockwise until you feel the snake bite into whatever is blocking the drain.

Slowly pull out the snake, and if it contains any hair or debris, remove them and dispose of them properly.

Use a Chemical Solution

If plunging and snaking don’t work, you may need to use a chemical solution to unclog your shower drain from hair. There are many chemicals available at local stores that will help break down the blockage in drains.

Follow the directions on the label carefully when using these products, as they can be dangerous if not used correctly.

Call A Plumber

If all else fails, then it’s time to call a professional plumber to help unclog your shower drain from hair. They will have the skills and tools necessary to remove the blockage without causing any further damage.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully unclog your shower drain from hair and get it back up and running again. Good luck!

remove hair from shower drain

Tips for Preventing Clogs in the Future

Unclogging a shower drain can be a difficult, dirty task, so it’s important to take the necessary steps to prevent clogs from happening in the first place. The biggest culprit of a clogged shower drain is hair.

It’s easy for hairs that are washed away while taking a shower to get stuck in the drain and create blockages. Clean out your drains regularly to remove any debris that has accumulated, such as soap scum or dirt buildup, which also contributes to clogging issues.

Make sure to do this at least once per month for the best results. You should consider using a drain protector that works to capture hair and other debris before they make their way down the drain.

These are typically small disks with holes in the center which fit over the top of the shower drain and allow water to pass through while trapping any solids.

You can also opt for a micro-mesh cover that works similarly, but with smaller holes designed specifically for finer particles such as human or pet hair.

Additionally, you should avoid letting soap scum build-up at the bottom of your shower as this residue can easily attach itself to hair and other materials causing them to clog up your drain.

Sweep or vacuum the floor of your shower regularly to remove any stray hairs before they can make their way into the drain. This will help keep your drains clear and reduce the chances of a clog forming.

Finally, try not to use harsh chemicals or products such as bleach when cleaning your shower; instead, reach for natural alternatives like baking soda and vinegar which can help dissolve soap scum without corroding vital parts of your plumbing system.

With these simple tips in mind you can help keep your shower drains flowing smoothly! If your shower drain is already clogged due to hair or other debris, you can use the methods outlined above to remove the clog.

With regular maintenance and prevention techniques, you should be able to keep your shower drains clear and running smoothly.

drain protector


Can I use bleach to unclog my shower drain?

No, bleaches should not be used as they can corrode metal pipes and deteriorate rubber gaskets. Instead, opt for natural cleaners like baking soda and vinegar or over-the-counter chemical solutions designed specifically for unclogging drains.

Is a plumber necessary to unclog my shower drain?

If all else fails then calling a professional plumber may be necessary to remove a clog from your shower drain. They will have the skills and tools required to get your drain unclogged without causing any further damage.

Can you leave baking soda and vinegar in the drain overnight?

Yes, it is safe to leave baking soda and vinegar in your drain overnight. The combination of these two ingredients works together to break down any clogs and clear your pipes. However, we recommend removing all natural cleaners after an hour or so for best results.


Unclogging shower drains from hair can be a difficult task, but with the right steps, it’s possible to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Start by using standard clog removal methods such as plungers or chemical solutions before calling in a professional plumber for help if necessary.

By following the steps outlined above, you should be able to successfully clear hair-clogged drains. With the right maintenance, you can keep your shower drain clog-free and running smoothly.

With regular cleaning and prevention techniques, like using a drain protector or sweeping up stray hairs before they make their way down the drain, you can help ensure that your drains remain clear and functioning properly. With these simple tips in mind you can keep your shower drains flowing smoothly!

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Allyson Carter

Ally is a professional hairstylist with more than 6 years of experience, but hair has been her passion since early childhood. Here, at Hair Spies, she blogs about all things hairdressing, hair tools, and everyday hair care. Read more about Allyson here.

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