How To Straighten Permed Hair: 2 Effective Methods

How to straighten permed hair? If you’re unhappy with your perm, you should know that there is a way to get rid of it right away!

The two methods below are straightforward but, unfortunately, cause additional hair damage. Before you decide, take a look at the safety tips we talk about and the care tips you should practice after getting a reverse perm.

How To Straighten Permed Hair

Let’s get the main question out of the way – can you straighten a perm?

You went through all the trouble to achieve curly locks, and now you’re so unhappy with the result you’re considering reverting the perm.

Unfortunately, you’re not the first, and you won’t be the last person who either got bored with their curly hairdo or got results they don’t like.

Although it’s not recommended, there are ways you can use to revert your current hairstyle and go back to having a straight, sleek do.

Whether you’ll opt for a temporary solution or a permanent one depends on your wishes and if you want to keep the perm or not. In addition, you have to be aware that none of these methods will work right after perming.

permed hair straightened

You have to wait for at least two weeks before trying anything. Your hair is very gentle after you’ve treated it with chemicals for the perm, so applying chemicals again or heat can have serious consequences. Therefore, whatever you decide to do, just have patience.

Is it even possible to straighten permed hair without damaging it? Unfortunately, you have to be aware that whichever method you use will have a damaging effect on your hair.

The perming process has already taken a toll on your mane, no matter how thick it is and how much it can go through. Applying heat or more chemicals will make things worse, so it’s something to keep in mind before deciding to take the next step.

Now, let’s go over the three methods you can use to revert your perm, temporarily or permanently.

Flat Iron

ceramic tourmaline hair straightener

Can you flat iron a perm? Yes, you can try this method as a temporary solution. The results will last only until the next time you wash your hair, and you shouldn’t get used to straightening your hair too often and exposing it to heat.

If you want to change things up a bit and rock a straight do for a special event, the flat iron will do the job. Since no chemicals are involved, the damage will still be present; however, it won’t be too significant.

One of the most significant advantages of this method is that it’s the least damaging, and anyone can do it. In addition, it doesn’t include any chemicals, and you can reduce the damage to a minimum if you condition your hair and apply a heat protectant.

One of the downsides is that it’s only temporary and you shouldn’t practice it too often. Although flat ironing your hair several times a month will make the curls looser, you still have to wait for at least two weeks after getting a perm before exposing your hair to hot tools.

Even if your hair is healthy and well-nourished, it will be very fragile after the perm, so it needs time to settle before you treat it with heat.

The straight mane will last for a couple of days until you wash your hair. That’s when it will get back to the bouncy perm you’re rocking. The more you straighten your hair with an iron, the looser the perm will become after every washing. However, there will still be waves until the effect of the perm passes completely.

At-Home Perm Kit

If you want to straighten your hair after a perm permanently, this method will do the job. However, before you apply chemicals once again on your mane, you have to take a few precautionary steps to ensure that it’s hydrated and ready for the next step.

We recommend getting a professional hydrating treatment or at least applying a very nourishing one at home.

The kit includes a perm solution and a neutralizer which you’ll use to transform the locks into a straight hairdo. Since this permanent method uses strong chemicals, you can visit a hair salon and let professionals do the job.

If you prefer a DIY fix, you should start by applying the perming solution to your hair. Comb each hair strand straight when applying the solution and ensure that they stay that way while you’re waiting.

Next, wash your hair with very hot water, following the kit instructions. Next, apply the neutralizer according to the instructions, then wash it with hot hair.

The biggest pro of this method is that it provides permanent results and you can try it at home. However, it can be very damaging to the hair and leave it very dry and brittle.

The final effect is straight hair that will require some extra love and care. If you tried to reverse the perm shortly after getting it, your hair might not be completely straight, but it won’t be curly anymore.

Safety Tips

No matter which route you’ll take, here are a few safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Don’t overdo it because you’ll ruin your hair.
  • Carefully follow the instructions listed on the perming kit to avoid even more damage.
  • Don’t comb, pull, tug hair and avoid tying it up in a ponytail during the first two days after the straightening.

How To Care For Your Straightened Permed Hair

Condition Your Hair

One of the most important steps of keeping your hair as healthy as possible is using a conditioner. Use a deep-conditioning agent once a week to restore the moisture your hair lost and nourish it back to life.

Avoid Using Hair Ties

Avoid tying it up with hair ties after treating your hair with a perming solution or flat iron. If you have to wear a hair tie go for silk scrunchies because they’re much gentler.


straightened permed hair

How Long Must You Wait After A Perm To Straighten Your Hair?

You should wait at least two weeks after a perm before straightening your hair. The perming process includes applying chemicals that are damaging to your hair, so giving it time to rest and treating it with the right products after means waiting for at least two weeks. Perming isn’t a simple procedure; that’s why you should think hard before getting it.

Can I Make My Perm Straight With A Flat Iron?

Yes, you can. If you flat iron permed hair, it’ll become straight, but it’s just a temporary solution. The effects last a few days until you wash your hair again.

Can You Permanently Straighten Your Hair After A Perm?

Yes, if you want to go back to the old straight hairdo, you can, but you have to be prepared to treat your hair with chemicals once again. This procedure is often referred to as a reverse perm and uses a perming kit with the same chemicals you used to perm your hair.

Also read:


Is straightening permed hair an option? You can do a reverse perm using a flat iron or an at-home perming kit. The first option yields temporary results and is less damaging, while the second one is permanent but more damaging.

If you have previous experience with any of the two methods, let us know!

Allyson Carter

Ally is a professional hairstylist with more than 6 years of experience, but hair has been her passion since early childhood. Here, at Hair Spies, she blogs about all things hairdressing, hair tools, and everyday hair care. Read more about Allyson here.

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