How to Dilute Developer? (Diluting 20/30/40 Volumes)

Most people know that you can dilute a developer to achieve different levels of lightening hair color.

The developer is a very effective lightener when used correctly, but it’s important to dilute it properly in order to avoid damaging your hair or skin.

But how much? And what is the best way to go about it?

In this article, we will discuss how to dilute the developer so that you can achieve the desired level of lightning without causing any damage.

What is developer?

dilute developer

A hair developer is a chemical used to lighten the hair. It is typically used in conjunction with hair bleach.

Developers come in different strengths, or volumes, and can be mixed with bleach to create the desired lightening effect.

Hair developers can also be used on their own to slightly lighten hair or to help deposit color when coloring hair. When used correctly, hair developers are safe and effective.

However, overuse or incorrect use of hair developers can cause damage to the hair. Therefore, it is important to follow directions carefully when using this product.

Developers that are too strong can cause the hair to become brittle and break. In extreme cases, it can even cause burns on the scalp.

If you notice any redness, irritation, or burning while using a hair developer, stop using it immediately and seek medical attention if necessary.

What is the difference between developers?

Hair developer is available in different strengths, or volumes, ranging from 10 to 40. The higher the percentage, the stronger the developer and the more severe the lightning effect will be.

For example, a 10-volume developer will be much weaker than a 40-volume developer.

When using hair bleach, it is important to choose a developer that is no more than two times the strength of the bleach powder.

For example, if you are using a 20-volume bleach powder, you would want to use a 40-volume developer at most.

When choosing a hair developer, it’s important to consider the volume.

Low-volume developers are best for fine or delicate hair, while high-volume developers are better for thick or resistant hair. If you’re not sure which developer to choose, consult a professional stylist.

10 volume developer

10 volume developer is the weakest concentration of developers available. It contains just 3% hydrogen peroxide, which is not enough to lift hair more than one shade.

This makes it ideal for depositing color or making very subtle changes to your hair.

However, because it is so gentle, a 10-volume developer won’t lighten your hair much if used on its own.

It is often used with high-lift colors or bleach products to help them work more slowly and gently. If you’re looking to make a small change to your hair color, 10 volume developer is a good choice.

It will add some volume and texture to your hair while lightening it slightly. Just be aware that it won’t make a big difference on its own – you’ll need to use it with other products to see noticeable results.

how to make 15 volume developer

20 volume developer

20 volume developer is a medium strength formula and is commonly used for coloring hair. It can be used to lighten hair by one or two shades.

It is also sometimes used to remove the color from the hair in preparation for a new color treatment.

20 volume developer contains 6% hydrogen peroxide, which is what bleaches the hair and removes color.

This developer is designed to be used with any volume level 10 or higher hair color in order to provide maximum lift and coverage. It can also be used to correct unwanted undertones or brassiness in the hair.

30 volume developer

30 volume developer is a diluted form of hydrogen peroxide (9%) that is used to lighten hair. It is applied to the hair after the bleach has been applied, and it helps to lift the hair to a lighter color.

It is typically used in conjunction with other lightening agents, such as bleach or toner.

The 30-volume developer is a medium strength and is often used to lighten hair by three or more shades. It can also be used to correct color that has been damaged by too much bleaching.

dilute developer with conditioner

40 volume developer

A 40-volume developer is a hair lightener that is used to achieve a lighter blonde color.

It is a fairly strong developer that has 12% peroxide and should only be used if you are looking to lighten your hair by more than four shades.

It is important to follow the directions of the developer carefully, as using too much can result in damage to your hair.

If you are unsure of how to use a 40-volume developer, it is best to seek the advice of a professional stylist.

When choosing a hair developer, it is important to select one that is the same volume or weaker than the peroxide used in the hair color formula. Using a stronger developer than necessary can cause damage to the hair.

If you are unsure of which developer to use, it is best to consult with a professional stylist.

How to dilute developer

How to dilute 40 volume developer to 20 volume

If you want to dilute your 40-volume developer to 20-volume, you will need to mix it with an equal amount of water. So, if you have 2 cups of the 40-volume developer, you will need to add 2 cups of water to achieve the desired concentration.

Can you dilute the developer with conditioner?

Yes, the same formulas go well with conditioners too. It is important to note that when diluting your developer, you should always use distilled water.

This is because tap water can contain impurities that can cause problems when mixed with chemicals.

Once you have diluted your developer, it is important to use it as soon as possible. This is because the weakened solution will not last as long and may not work as effectively.

40 volume developer with bleach

How to dilute 30 volume developer to 20 volume?

The ratio for generating a 20-volume developer from a 30-volume one is 2:1. This means combining 2 parts of 30 volume developer with 1 part of water to make a solution.

How to dilute 20 volume developer to 10?

If you want to reduce the strength of a 20-volume developer to 10, combine 1 part of 20-volume developers with one part of water. This means mixing equal parts of a 20-volume developer with equal parts of water will give you a 10-volume one.

This will effectively halve the concentration of the developer, resulting in a weaker solution that is less likely to cause damage to your hair.

Always perform a patch test before using any new hair products, and follow the instructions on the developer bottle to ensure optimal results.

30 volume developer

How to make 20 volume developer with 40 and 10?

To make 20 volume developer, combine 1 ounce of 40-volume cream conditioner (or any other neutral combination) with 1 ounce of 10-volume cream conditioner. This would result in a total of 20 volumes.


Can you mix developer with conditioner?

Conditioner will not only counteract the developer needed for permanent color, but it also risks your color application being uneven. When using fantasy hues that are sure to fade at some time, the conditioner trick is a must-do.

How to make 15 volume developer?

To get 15 volume, mix equal parts of 10 and 20 volume. This will give you a total of 15 volume. If you need more, mix in an additional 10 or 20 volume until you reach the desired level.

Remember, though, that higher volumes of developer will result in quicker fading and more damage to your hair, so use them sparingly.

What if I used too much developer?

Your mixture will be more wet and runny. If it’s too runny, you may have to lighten the hair but not enough to deposit color. It’ll be thinner, flatter, and last less time.


When using a hair developer, it is important to dilute it properly in order to avoid damaging your hair or skin.

Developers come in different strengths, or volumes, and can be mixed with bleach to create the desired lightening effect.

Hair developers can also be used on their own to slightly lighten hair or to help deposit color when coloring hair.

When using a hair developer, it is important to dilute it properly in order to avoid damaging your hair or skin.

Developers come in different strengths, or volumes. Volume 20 is the most common strength, and is suitable for most people. Volume 10 is weaker and should only be used if you have very light hair.

Volume 30 is the strongest developer and should only be used if you have very dark hair. In this article we looked at how you can mix developer.

Once you have diluted the developer, you can then use it to lighten your hair, eyebrows, or eyelashes.

To do this, apply the diluted developer to the area you want to lighten, and leave it on for the amount of time specified in the instructions.

After the allotted time has passed, rinse the area with warm water and shampoo as usual. We hope that this information was helpful to you and that you achieved the desired result!

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Allyson Carter

Ally is a professional hairstylist with more than 6 years of experience, but hair has been her passion since early childhood. Here, at Hair Spies, she blogs about all things hairdressing, hair tools, and everyday hair care. Read more about Allyson here.

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