How Long Does Toner Last? 9 Tips to Make It Last Longer

It’s a question that has probably crossed your mind at some point: how long does toner last in hair? The answer, unfortunately, is not as cut and dry as you might hope.

Toner can last anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on how often you use it and how long it stays on your hair.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how long toner lasts and offer some tips on how to keep toner from fading.

What Is Hair Toner?

hair toner

A hair toner is a product that is used to change the color of hair. There are a variety of different types of hair toners, including blonde hair toner, brunette hair toner, and red hair toner.

Hair toners can be used to achieve a variety of different looks, ranging from natural-looking highlights to dramatic color changes. Many hair toners also contain conditioners and other ingredients that help to nourish and protect the hair.

It is usually applied after bleaching or lightening the hair, in order to cancel out any orange or yellow tones that may be left behind. When used correctly, hair toners can help create a more polished and professional look.

Hair toners typically come in liquid or cream form and are applied with a brush or applicator. Ultimately, the type of hair toner you choose will depend on your personal preference and hair goals.

If you are planning on using a hair toner on your own, it is important to follow the directions carefully. Many hair toners require that the user mix the product with the developer before applying it to the hair.

Other products may need to be applied directly to the hair. It is also important to avoid using too much hair toner, as this can cause the hair to become dry and brittle.

When using hair toners, it is important to remember that they are not permanent. They will eventually fade away over time. If you are not happy with the results of your hair toner, you can always try another product or wait a few weeks and try again.

Hair toners can be a great way to change the color of your hair without damaging it. If used correctly, they can give you the look that you desire without causing any harm to your hair.

When shopping for hair toners, be sure to read the labels carefully and follow the directions carefully so that you do not damage your hair.

With a little bit of care, you should be able to find the perfect hair toner for your needs and keep your hair looking its best.

How Long Does Toner Stay In?

When it comes to hair, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there. One of the most common is how long the toner lasts. Some people believe that you only need to apply toner once, and it will last for months.

Others think that you have to keep applying toner every time you wash your hair in order to keep the color looking fresh. So which is it? How long does toner last?

As with most hair products, the answer is “it depends.” In general it lasts between 2-to-6 weeks. It all comes down to a few factors, including how often you wash your hair, what type of toner you’re using, and how well you take care of your hair overall.

Here’s a closer look at each of these factors:

tone hair

How often you wash your hair: If you wash your hair every day or even every other day, your toner isn’t going to last as long as it would if you only washed it once a week.

That’s because shampooing strips away not only dirt and oil but also product buildup, including toner. So if you want your toner to last longer, cut back on how often you shampoo.

What type of toner you’re using: Demi-permanent and semi-permanent toners will last longer than temporary toners. That’s because they penetrate the hair shaft more deeply, so they take longer to fade.

How well you take care of your hair overall: If you use a lot of heat styling tools or if you don’t protect your hair from the sun, your toner is going to fade faster.

That’s because these things can all contribute to dryness and damage, which makes it harder for color to stay in the hair. So if you want your toner to last longer, be sure to use heat protectant spray before you style and try to limit your time in the sun.

So, you can expect toner to last anywhere between 2-to-6 weeks. But again, it all depends on how often you wash your hair, what type of toner you’re using, and how well you take care of your overall.

So if you want your toner to last as long as possible, keep reading this article!

how many washes does toner last

How to Make Hair Toner Last Longer?

To make your hair toner last longer, follow these tips:

  1. Use a mild shampoo and conditioner. Avoid products that contain harsh chemicals or sulfates, as these can strip away the toner from your hair.
  2. Rinse with cold water. Hot water opens up the hair cuticle, which is why we always recommend rinsing with cold water to help seal and smooth the hair. Cold water will also help to seal in the moisture, which is essential for keeping your hair healthy and strong. By doing this simple step, you can actually make your hair color last longer.
  3. Limit your time in the sun. UV rays can cause fading and oxidation, so it’s best to keep your time in direct sunlight to a minimum.
  4. Avoid using hot tools. Heat can also cause fading and damage your hair, so it’s best to let your hair air dry or use a cool setting on your styling tools.
  5. Try a leave-in conditioner. Leave-in conditioners can help to keep your hair moisturized and can also protect it from heat damage. Look for a leave-in conditioner that contains natural ingredients like shea butter or coconut oil.
  6. Use a color-safe shampoo and conditioner. Look for products that are specifically designed for color-treated hair, as these will help preserve your hair color and prevent fading.
  7. Touch up your roots regularly. If you start to see your hair toner fading, touch up your roots with a fresh application. This will help keep your overall hair color looking fresh and vibrant.
  8. Avoid washing your hair every day. If you wash your hair every day, it will strip away the natural oils that protect your scalp and strands. This can cause damage and make your hair more susceptible to breakage. It will also wash the toner out of your hair quickly. Try to shampoo and condition only 2-3 times per week, or every other day if possible.
  9. Get your hair trimmed regularly to get rid of any damaged or split ends. This will also help prevent the color from fading too quickly.

Following these tips should help you keep your toner-treated hair looking fresh and vibrant for longer!

purple toner


How many washes does toner last?

These toners are deposit-only, which means they won’t damage or change your natural hair. They usually last 4-5 weeks, although this depends on how often you wash your hair.

If you wash it every day, the toner will fade quickly. But if you only wash it once a week, the toner should last for about a month.

Does toner fade completely?

Yes, toner will eventually fade completely. However, it can be refreshed by using a color-safe shampoo and conditioner, which will help to preserve the tone of your hair.

How do I keep my toner from fading?

To keep your toner from fading, use a color-safe shampoo and conditioner, and avoid washing your hair too often. Also, try not to expose your hair to too much sun or heat, as this can cause the color to fade.

If you start to see your toner fading, touch up your roots with a fresh application. This will help keep your overall hair color looking fresh and vibrant.

How often should I use toner?

You’ll want to wait at least 7 to 8 weeks before toning again, or until your hair has recovered from the treatment — however long that takes. To maintain your hair as healthy as possible, delay toning for the appropriate amount of time before returning to your normal routine.


Hair toners are a great way to change the color of your hair without damaging it. If used correctly, they can give you the look that you desire without causing any harm to your hair.

There are a variety of different types of hair toners available, and each one will last for a different amount of time depending on a few factors, including how often the person washes their hair and how well they take care of it overall.

In general, hair toners will last between 2-to-6 weeks. When shopping for hair toners, be sure to read the labels carefully and follow the directions carefully so that you do not damage your hair.

With a little bit of care, you should be able to find the perfect hair toner for your needs and keep your hair looking its best.

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Allyson Carter

Ally is a professional hairstylist with more than 6 years of experience, but hair has been her passion since early childhood. Here, at Hair Spies, she blogs about all things hairdressing, hair tools, and everyday hair care. Read more about Allyson here.

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